Saturday, August 21, 2010

Vision boards: far sighted, far fetched

I look at it everyday.  It's the first thing I see after I swing my legs over the side of the bed and peel my eyelids back.  It's my vision board.  For anyone who is unfamiliar with the concept of a vision board, think of it as a visual representation of all of your life's dreams.  I have cut out words and pictures from magazines and newspapers, real estate catalogues and travel brochures.  It is a 4-foot pink square of bristol board, covered in the images of all of my (yet unmet) hopes and dreams.

Words like "My amazing, successful, kick-ass, fabulous life!", "persistent excellence," "finding balance," "your dreams are possible," and "falling in love" are glued to images of a bikini-clad body, L'arc de Triomphe in France, the pyramids, a 1 ct. brilliant-cut diamond, a BMW, the floor plan of my dream condo and, of course, a bookshelf full of books....with one book circled and labeled "written by me."

I believe in the law of attraction as much as the next guy, but I'm still trying to figure out how to make that vision into my reality. 6 days/week at the local gym, sweating until I look like a greased pig and what I have to show for it is 5 lbs less, a broken toe and the inability to wear my super sexy stilletoes to the boat cruise I'm going on tomorrow.

Somehow, I think the pyramids are still a way off...

So how helpful are vision boards?  Do they serve to keep us motivated and focussed, working towards the things we claim we want to have? Or are they simply reminders of all of the things we currently lack in our lives?  The optimist in me wants to bet on motivation and the belief that if I can see it, I can achieve it.

So that being said, how exactly do I start working on my ring???

Until next time,
The Single Chick


Six Word Saturday is a weekly event at Show My Face. All you need is six words....any way you want to dress it up is up to you! Click her button to visit Cate and see what everyone else has to say.


  1. My 64U:
    So much food for thought here.

    Hope you’re having a good Six Word Saturday,


    btw My 6WS is posted if you can join me HERE.

  2. Dropping by on a 6WS and fell in love with your blog! If it's ok with you, I think I may have to stalk you...ummmm, follow you from now on. :)


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